Wednesday 18 May 2016

Frida Kahlo and Danish Alligators

Yesterday was a bit surreal. It comprised some very uncomfortable medical tests (mine), a visit to a surreal photographic exhibition (Frida Kahlo) and a delicious and naughty Danish pastry called a Danish alligator. It was not made by a Dane, nor did it involve eating an alligator. It was nuts and icing and sweet gooeyness. I felt a bit queer after eating it. It's a while since I ate so much sugar!

If you live in NZ, the exhibition of photos taken by Frida Kahlo and her father is well worth seeing. Quite a coup for the Palmerston North museum Te Manawa. Well done Manawatu!

My dearly beloved drove me so, I was able to take photos from the car window on the way home.

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