Tuesday 26 November 2019

Paddock diary

Today was a first, I gleaned wool from the boundary of our paddock and washed it. Not sure what I will do with it when it is completely clean (this was the first wash only). I may try felting it into something.

I am also keeping an eye on our plums this year, as last year they were demolished by a variety of birds.

The fringe of the paddock is decorated this year with lots and lots of foxglove "bee apartments". So pretty.

Starlingist purges

For five years now, I have had a running battle with a family of starlings who like to nest in our mailbox. The first year we lived here, I allowed it - through ignorance.

Never again.

Getting out the nest after the birds had fledged was horrible. There were fleas, there were ticks and there was a dead bird.

It's not as if there aren't any trees or rooftops. We have 3 families of starlings in our roof and every year they make an unholy mess of the side of the house with their pooping. That's fine, it can be washed off. But I object to bird poop all over our mail, especially at Christmas.

So, in the last month I have tried a number of tactics to put off the starling. All have failed. I just took the photo below half an hour ago. I thought I had packed the fabric into the letter box well, but no, three inches of straw had been wiggled inside. The pile at the base of the box is the last two days worth.

Ask me at Christmas if we won the battle.

No cupboard is safe

Yet more forays into divine duvet comfort. Menace!

There is no escape for clean laundry and freshly dry cleaned quilts. The boy will seek them out.

Tuesday 12 November 2019

No mouse in the house

He is always trying to help. A regular clerk of works! Like most cats, he can't resist an open drawer or a linen cupboard full of squishy towels, blankets and sheets.

I've turfed him out more times than I can remember, and have actually raced down our long hall corridor to try and stop him getting inside when the door has drifted open. I have also accidentally locked him inside when he's buried himself out of sight behind tea towels.

"Have you seen Mango recently? He hasn't turned up for breakfast"

"Check the laundry basket first, then the linen cupboard"

Yesterday I was putting boxes away on the floor of the said cupboard and could smell the unmistakable scent of mouse. I was hoping it had run under the door and conveniently died amongst the boxes and cabin baggage cases. Apparently not. I started to pull out all the linen, and on shelf three found droppings and a stained apron, but no mouse. Minnie was long gone, there being a sizeable gap under the door to escape from.

"Blooming cat took home a friend"

So, the washing machine is now going full tilt - I suppose it gives me the chance to sort out what we don't use or need any more.

Meanwhile, he is still trying to help