Monday, 28 December 2015

Always welcome

Today we had a visitor from the town where we used to live. It was lovely being about to catch up on news. The weather was beautiful but hot, so chatting on the verandah was reminiscent of times past in India or Bahrain or Africa.

We are keeping our front door open as much as possible, but it is now mosquito hour, so reluctantly we are closing up all the gaps, but enjoying the sunset through the Victorian coloured glass of the front door.

Saturday, 26 December 2015

Enjoying the quiet

Yesterday was a busy cooking and entertaining day. It was wonderful, but exhausting. Today I have been in total recovery "reboot" mode. I have sat with my beloved on our verandah for most of the day, he writing, me enjoying a book by Charles King about Odessa.

Our furry friends joined us occasionally, but mostly to flop in a heap in the shade of the hydrangea bushes. It is around 25 degrees.

Compliments of the season to you all.

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

A bit of a jam

The weather has been very wet for this time of year, and mild. This means the plums have arrived earlier than normal and caught me on the hop! It could be a bumper harvest and as I have been working full time I have been disinclined to climb trees to harvest very out of reach fruit. So now things are getting a little pressing.

The day I got my first bucket load our "baby" ginger joined me, gleefully running up and down branches, which was rather handy as it bounced them a bit closer to reach. I have just made my first batch of jam, but there are many more yet to deal with - and all before Christmas day!

Last night the same ginger, who has been denuding the Christmas tree of ornaments he can fit in his mouth, brought us an ornament. At least that is what I think he was doing as he flung a dead rat into the air close to the tree. It was midnight and I wasn't in the mood for lengthy explanations. The rat was duly captured under a box and ginger locked away until I could dispose of the alternative Christmas angel.

I have to keep reminding myself that he is still a baby and wanting to play. So this afternoon I went to a second hand shop and bought him a toy. Much grooming of the bear and cuddling took place before he suddenly fell asleep, just like I have seen many a toddler do.

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Best dressed lamp posts

The lamp post outside the business where I work has sprouted its own flower arrangement. By the time I remembered to take my camera to work, the yellow flowers were past their best. But rather lovely even so!

Saturday, 12 December 2015

A sane kind of Saturday, kind of!

This morning we took off to a local village to their annual Christmas market. Sadly unlike last year, the rain was making the outdoor stalls a bit of a soggy disaster. We shopped quickly - I wanted to find home made soaps (can't abide mass produced stuff any more), and home made marmalade. We found both, and a new kitchen apron for me. Finally I can consign my regular "wipe sticky hands down the front of the apron" to the bin. It is 8 years old and deserves a memorial for its service!

After the soggy market, we pottered off to Ruth Pretty's Kitchen shop and conservatory, where we drank coffee and ate Christmas cake.

This was followed by a manic dash to a local town to order a new dishwasher, which will be delivered on my birthday, just before Christmas. We inherited the current dishwasher when we moved here. It is has served us well, but is around 10 years old and finally falling apart.

We then headed home where I unscrambled the Christmas tree after Junior Jinger had removed ornaments and generally caused mayhem overnight. He was banished to the verandah whilst I reconstructed parts of it and put up Christmas lights!