Saturday 27 December 2014

Self fulfilling prophecy

When I named our home, it was because of family links with a village by the same name in N. Yorkshire. At the time, rabbits were far from my thoughts.

Well, it would seem that word has got round the rabbit fraternity, because they are making themselves very at home on our property.

This morning these youngsters were very helpfully grazing on the weeds at the centre of the driveway. I wonder if we could encourage them onto the payroll? The poor quality of the photographs are due to camera shake on such a long telephoto shot via our office window.

Needless to say, our three feline "hunters" were still in the land of Nod when Flopsy and Mopsy appeared. The walk in wardrobe is the current boudoir of choice due to the cool breeze from the bathroom window.

With warm greetings from Coneysthorpe in the county of Watership Down.

Monday 22 December 2014

Wishing you all blessings at this time of year

In the midst of the mayhem of the Christmas season, I wish you the peaceful presence of the Most High, leading you beside still waters.

The Kuku stream at the bottom of our road.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Paddock Diary 7

We have some interesting occupants of the paddock. I am told they are known as "dorpers" or self shedding sheep. When they arrived from the farmer next door, I thought a drunk shearer had had a go at them, as their fleece was hanging off in strange places. Some even sported mullets. It appears they are able to rub off the fleece themselves. Here is evidence - the paddock gleanings. Oh, and the feather didn't belong to them, in case you were wondering.

Saturday 13 December 2014

How to embarrass a donkey

.......dress it up as a reindeer and take it for an outing to a Christmas Fair

Te Horo Christmas Market, today.

Sunday 7 December 2014

Our "local"

Five minutes drive away, down State Highway 1 is the Quarter Acre Cafe. We had a meal there on Friday evening with 22 colleagues from my husband's workplace. The food was worthy of an award it was SO good. This cafe is also our local "coffee stop", and we enjoy its peaceful garden at least once a week. Yesterday I took my camera.

The sparrow was hopping around gathering bits for a nest, when he wasn't stealing crumbs close by one of the tables.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Ditch posies

We were driving from one of our neighbours two days ago and I shrieked with delight when I looked out of the car window.

The ditch leading from their property was full of clumps of hearts ease. Hundreds and hundreds and all different colours. I have just scrambled in the ditch to take these photos.